Agnet's avatar


Call me Kobylka
801 Watchers120 Deviations
Hi guys,

I have big (actually HUGE this time :XD: ) news!

I have finally encouraged make myself to a grand step. As I said there many times before, I founded my profile in a time when I didn't even thought about adding my own stuffs in a bigger scale. So I chose one of former nicknames, just for fun.

But then I started to add my own pictures and videos etc. … Lately I found out, that I can't change the nick. Meanwhile I founded a blog. I created my Alter Ego – Kobylka v pyžamu (Filly in pyjamas). It sticked to me like a in course of time and so I take it for my own name. I would like all my production to be known under this name. Therefore this DA profile was like a thorn in the eye to me, but I didn't want to loose my statistics, comments, visitors…

I recently established my own websites just – with a new domain address And I said to myself it's about time to do it. And so I'm swallow pride and moving all picture possesions to new DA profile – Kobylka in Pyjamas. And again on starting line… Uff…

So if you liked my production, I'll be more than happy to see you on my new profile. I'm not gonna add any new pictures on the old onwe. So if you're my active follower, tick me on my new profile. Pictures on the old profile will be deleted subsequently, you'll find them all on my new DA profile.

And Here I am know :aww: =>  :iconkobylkavpyzamu:

Zdarec lidi,

konečně jsem odhodlala k razantnímu kroku. Jak už jsem tu párkrát zmiňovala, svůj profil jsem zakládala ještě v době, kdy jsem nepředpokládala, že bych kdy vůbec v nějaké větší míře svou tvorbu přidávala. A tak jsem zvolila jednu z tehdejších přezdívek, více méně pro srandu králíkům.

Jenže pak jsem začala přidávat obrázky a animovaná videa atd... Teprve později jsem zjistila, že jméno si nemůžu změnit. Mezitím jsem si založila blog. A stvořila tím tak své alter Ego – Kobylku v Pyžamu. Které ke mně postupně tak přilnulo, že ho považuji za víc jak vlastní jméno. Ráda bych, aby veškerá má tvorba, byla známá právě pod tímto jménem.  A proto mi můj profil zde na DA byl velkým trnem v oku, ale takovej ten pocit tvrdohlavé hrdosti mě držel při tom, jsem nechtěla ztratit veškeré své statistiky, komentáře, diváky... a vůbec.

Nedávno jsem si ale založila své vlastní stránky, se svou vlastní doménou a prostě jsem si řekla, že je na čase to udělat. Takže polykám svou vlastní hrdost a přestěhuji veškeré své obrázky na DA profil Kobylkavpyzamu. A začnu od znova. Uff...

Pokud se Vám tedy má tvorba líbila, budu ráda, pokud vás uvidím na svém novém profilu. Na tento už nemám v plánu přidávat žádné obrázky. Pokud mě tedy aktivně sledujete v očekávání nové tvorby, pak si mě zaškrtněte na mém novém profilu. Obrázky zde budu rovněž postupně vymazávat. Najdete je všechny na novém profilu.

A tady mě máte :D =>  :iconkobylkavpyzamu:
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Hi Folks!

I have big news  :D I have a new (suprtrupr  :D) web page…! hahoo! :D

Actually…when I think about it… for you it will be not such great news, because it is my personal web page and it's all in my mother language (czech).   So you will probably do not understand.

Buuuut I'm so happy that I finally finished it! :aaw:  It was quite hard work, cause I made all new web design include animated header O_o…

Buuut (again^^) its mean more future woks from me!  (I hope so! :D) I actually need draw and draw and draw just now, because this year I want enter Art school. And I need to prepare myself for Entrance examination and…to be honest … I'm
actually really scared o_O.

So if you are just little bit interest, you can check it here =>
No more, no less ^^

And yeah, I actually really love zebras ^^
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Did you already hear about it? From January 2010 huge unidentifiable objects are orbiting the sun. For real! Men, that's awesome! Whatever it is - space ships, something natural, preparation for 21.12.2012… believe whatever you want… - this is still pretty interesting.

__________ *video*…

I always believed, that there is something stupidly egoistic on meaning, that we are the only life in the whole Universe. It doesn't matter whether they contacted us or if their little bottoms are green or grey. You know what I mean? If it works in our galaxy, why shouldn't it work in another place? This topic makes me really fancy. So I made this video which summarizes the facts.

Here they are::
-It has started around 18th January 2010

-Its still happening. (few days in month)

-The objects are in the size of planet. Some of them bigger then Earth

-If the UFOs were planets or some type of huge asteroid comets, they would already have been pulled into the Sun by the strong gravity the Sun produces as in the case of the recent comet.

-The giant UFOs are reflecting the sunlight just like a metal constructed ship would do.

-Whatever is it, its moving fast

-There is a number of kind of these objects

Well, Im really fascinate by that.  Must research more about it…cause, people, do you know what does it mean if…? ^_^

About video - I used pictures recorded by NASA Stereo spacecraft. You can download pictures, or video day by day.  In this video I used picture from 22/03 - 25/03 of this year. You can check it out. (I recommend it to you, because is it really interesting and there are more interesting pictures than I used) Here it is =>…

So, around Sun is mega party! Yahoo, let's go! :D

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Oooh myyyy!! I’m sooo busy! (sorry , I’m  continuously  yawning cause I’m so tired… )

Really, I have a new job (so fucking boring!)  I don’t want to do such kind of job, but I need money (Well, Is there anyone who doesn’t need money?)  so, I got  this job (yeah, I know I didn’t mention what kind of job is it, but it’s not important, for this story :3 ) and it literally eats my time!!

Well, I really want to finish my works (I have so many unfinished things… )

So please, give me some time. Don’t ask me in messages when another page of deja vu will be.  Believe me, I’m the one who want to see it already finished at most.

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Hello there!

Firstly, happy Christmas people ;) Yeah, its day “D”! :XD:
Anyway, I just made video where you can see the process of my drawing.  If you are interest.  Its about my last picture
“Itachi: There's No Way” .

Itachi: There's No Way by Agnet

You can find it here =>…

Its really just quickie, cause I made it from “save positions” (Hell yeah, kids, don’t forget save your picture in the course of drawing… cause…  don’t want to know that feeling, when you lose a many hours of work… )

Aaaand, about my asking for help with “HOT couple”… well, its look like NaruHina is going to win ;)  But don’t give it yet.  Im still waiting for your choices. :boogie:

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Important notice: I'm moving to a new DA profile! by Agnet, journal

My new web page! :D by Agnet, journal

UFO around the Sun?Oh, come on--...What the fck?! by Agnet, journal

Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy!! by Agnet, journal

Kobylka' s quickie by Agnet, journal